We unapologetically work on bold, progressive power-building, and radical systems change in the South. This requires work beyond grantmaking: establishing strong and sustainable relationships and vibrant learning communities among other funders.

We believe in the power of collaboration and look for ways to join with other funders and movement leaders to advance change collectively.
Over time, funders are increasingly recognizing that the old ways of philanthropy are harmful—entwined with a charitable mindset, savior complexes, and colonial thinking. We want to do our part, alongside others in the field, to shift philanthropy and create a stronger funding landscape in each of our grantmaking areas in the South.
As a family foundation that has decided to spend out its resources, we want to ensure that organizations in our grantmaking areas have access to even more resources after we shut our doors. Our staff and board members continuously look for and welcome opportunities to partner with other funders who share our values and goals and are interested in learning more about our work.
We consider ourselves a “learning organization” and see ourselves as part of a community of learners where everyone teaches, everyone learns, and everyone shares knowledge for the benefit of common goals. At the heart of our work are strong relationships and connections. This culture of learning also ensures continuous improvement and progress.
Here are a few of the state, regional, and national funder networks we belong to, with the purpose of learning from one another and advancing progressive grantmaking and impact investments: