Through the years, we have come across information that is not only valuable to us, but to our grantees and funding partners. We aim to share information in a way that’s accessible and useful to continuous learning efforts.

You’re most likely to find us in-person at conferences or meetings with our grantees across the South. Occasionally, we host or co-host online webinars and discussions. Check out some of the webinars we’ve recently been a part of.

How our assets are invested should reflect our vision and mission. We seek to align our investments with our values and have an Investment Policy to screen our portfolio and help us proactively look for investments. Check out the resources we find most helpful to our investing.

At Laughing Gull Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration, and look for ways to join with other funders and movement leaders to advance change collectively. Check out some of the organizations and associations we belong to.
is a 501(c)(3), membership-based philanthropic organization that advocates for responsive and transformative investments in Black communities. Partnering with foundations, nonprofits and individuals, ABFE provides its members with professional development and technical assistance resources that further the philanthropic sector’s connection and responsiveness to issues of equality, diversity and inclusion.
National Conference for Higher Education in Prison The National Conference on Higher Education in Prison (NCHEP) is a place for higher education in prison community members to be heard, supported and inspired. The annual conference encourages and fosters collaboration. It’s an incubator for new projects and initiatives. It’s a trusted venue for constructive dialogue. And it’s a valuable resource for practitioners and students seeking training, professional development and new conversations.
Catalyst Award Winners | Catalyst is a global nonprofit supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Catalyst Award Winners lead a community of forward-thinking organizations that continue to develop new and innovative ways to advance talent and strengthen their organizations as a whole.
Search - CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
(formerly known as Joint Affinity Groups) was founded in 1993 to unify identity-focused philanthropic affinity groups into an empowered coalition. Coming together, their ten core partners are working to integrate diversity, inclusion, and social justice into philanthropic practice, transforming the sector’s culture to be one that embraces equity.
Beyond the Bars Conference The annual Beyond the Bars Conference is a student-driven interdisciplinary conference on mass incarceration held at Columbia University. Each year the conference brings together students, faculty, activists, advocates, practitioners, those who have experienced and/or been impacted by incarceration, community members and more to connect, galvanize, and deepen the work of building justice and equity and ending mass incarceration.
The Global 100 has been one of the world’s most valued and transparent rules-based sustainability ratings that emphasizes the impact of a company’s core products and services. It is the best-performing global sustainability index (ticker: CKG100), with more than 10 years of history.
Search Sustainability Ratings | CSR Ratings ( provides consensus ratings of company ESG performance as a lever to improve corporate sustainability.
In 2013, Laughing Gull Foundation wrote our first Investment Policy, rooted in our core values. We aim to align not only our grantmaking but also our investing with our mission. Therefore, we screen out companies that profit off of fossil fuels, and look for pro-active impact investments that boost the future of renewable energies. In 2015, LGF signed on to the DivestInvest Campaign, joining other foundations, colleges, health systems, pension funds and religious endowments that are divesting from fossil fuels and investing in clean energy. Through this campaign we aim to have a collective impact that is greater than any one of our institutions could have on our own
works with members and partners to promote effective environmental philanthropy by sharing knowledge, fostering debate, cultivating leadership, facilitating collaboration, and catalyzing action.
Impact investing has the potential to enable every foundation, regardless of size, to pursue its philanthropic mission more effectively. Laughing Gull Foundation is featured on page 129 of this guide.
works to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promoting equity, and advancing racial, economic and gender justice.
are the gold standard for impact measurement in impact investing. GIIRS Ratings are rigorous, comprehensive, and comparable ratings of a company or a fund’s social and environmental impact.
mission is to prioritize philanthropic giving and practice in the South on equity-focused structural change. This equity centered philanthropic giving strengthens the organizational infrastructure and power building within Southern communities, increasing racial, gender, and economic outcomes for people across the South.
(HEFN) mission is to mobilize philanthropy to accelerate solutions for environmental health and justice. To do this, HEFN supports and grows a community of grantmakers to build knowledge, leadership, and power for environmental health and justice.
(HIP) is on a mission to strengthen Latinx leadership, influence, and equity by leveraging philanthropic resources, and doing so with an unwavering focus on social justice and shared prosperity across the Americas. As the leader of a transnational network of foundations, donors, and nonprofits, HIP is making impactful investments in the Latinx community and developing leaders that can effectively address the most pressing issues impacting communities in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean.
rates American workplaces on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality.
Creating Change Conference is the nation’s foremost political, leadership, and skills-building conference for the LGBTQ+ movement. We are building a future where everyone is free to be themselves in every aspect of their lives.
(available to NCNG members only)
organizes philanthropy so that Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities and low-income communities thrive.
More than 3 in 10 LGBT adults live in the South, making the South home to more LGBTQ adults than any other region in the U.S. Yet historically, only 3-4% of LGBTQ funding has gone to the South. The Out in the South Initiative, coordinated by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, is designed to change that statistic. Launched in 2015, this five-year initiative aims to raise $60 million to bring the philanthropic resources available to LGBTQ communities in the South up to the national average. The Out in the South Initiative will focus on organizing both national and southern foundations to achieve this goal. LGF is proud to have been an active partner in the creation of this initiative, and we are excited to be a part of reaching this important goal. If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please feel free to reach out to us.
is a vibrant community of philanthropy professionals dedicated to advancing equitable, effective grantmaking practices.
is the premier philanthropic network for courageous leaders, ideas and resources focused on the American South and U.S. Caribbean territories. They connect members to experts, innovations, and best practices in philanthropy while promoting peer-to-peer learning and leadership development.
offers a unique lens on all sectors impacting sustainability: renewable energy/ efficiency, green building, green investing and organics.
is a highly diversified, global, all-cap portfolio that allows investors to align their portfolios with social justice values. The fund uses community-sourced impact data to set the standards for how publicly traded companies participate in gender, racial, economic, and climate justice. LGF began investing in Adasina in 2021.
recognizes those companies creating the most impact for a better world. They set the gold standard for high-impact companies and offer a positive vision of a better way to do business.
(NCFP) is the only national nonprofit dedicated exclusively to families who give and those who work with them. NCFP provides the resources, expertise and support families need to transform their values into effective giving that makes a lasting impact on the communities they serve.
(NCNG) connects more than 100 North Carolina foundations and corporate giving programs to a network of knowledge, resources, nand sector colleagues that help them meet their mission, serve the community, and operate more efficiently and effectively.
Equal Opportunity Publications - Awards Page - Every year readers of Equal Opportunity are asked to name the employers, both in the private and public sectors, for whom they would most like to work or that they believe would provide a positive working environment for members of minority groups.
is a newly-formed statewide membership association composed of nearly 120 philanthropic organizations working to build a connected, collaborative philanthropic community that advances opportunities for all Virginians. Each year, our members invest more than $350 million to support Virginia’s most pressing community needs in areas such as education, health, housing, economic vitality, and social justice.